Power Of Collaborations

Business collaboration, this is a tool businesses, organizations or companies use to work together with combined expertise, knowledge and capabilities to address problems and learn from each other things that they would otherwise not do if they worked as an independent entity.

Meskith creations collaborated with Simba Education Ministries on Jan 3rd 2020 under the creatives Evolution tour program in conducting business pitch presentations for local entrepreneurs to the students from the University of Sioux Falls and North Western Collage USA who were on an educational business trip to Eldoret, Kenya. In effort to learn and exchange ideas with the Kenyan entrepreneurs.

Through this collaboration it had powerful dynamics with great commercial implications, building trust, gain new insights as well as global perspective became an interesting sphere to look into that is offering local solutions with a global perspective.

More information of the benefits of this event were:

Intellectual benefit: Both entrepreneurs and students interacted asking questions of how to improve the local businesses and also get suggestions of how to improve the businesses output. This gave the opportunity to get insight on how business operations are conducted in both spheres. This could point out problems faced in both different working environments. Through sharing of this knowledge and expertise is where innovative solutions are created.

Financial benefits: It was inspiring to see one of the entrepreneurs presenting her pitch get the opportunity to sell her product and possible earn herself new clients. Purity a psychologist by profession and a part time pastry business owner got a business deal to supply the event with the cake. She was able to deliver “a beautiful decorated as well as sweet, refreshing cake” One of the comments from the consumers of the celebration cake.

New Networks: As a result of Meskith creatiosn collaborating with Simba educational ministries new networks were formed some became business collaborators and clients and some became friends.

 As Bob Mudge would put it ‘Collaborations are no longer just a strategy, they are the key to long-term business success and competitiveness.’



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